I have been busy. Like a busy thing.

It has felt, for some time now, that my writing seems to want to veer in roughly the same direction, as if there is some underlying message to convey.

Maybe if I were to break it open at the molecular level, there would be a vein running through it, like that stick of rock you buy from a seaside resort. But this won’t be quite so saccharin-sweet.

I have always been attracted by strong female characters. Women who, under difficult emotional circumstances, have nevertheless struggled for what they believe in their hearts. My Lost Souls series explores just such women, and this will continue. Book 3 is in the rewriting phase, with a publication date of early 2020. Book 4 is in the concept stage.

There will also be a new series, telling fictionalised stories of real-life women from different ages struggling for equality, for their voices to be heard. Women who were brave enough to stick their heads above the parapet despite the likely consequences.

This won’t be feminist literature per se, but rather a mission to uncover stories that have previously been hidden. An awakening, if you will, of women throughout history whose tales have not yet been brought into the open.

Feminism is not a new concept. Yet we know the struggle continues, even now, in the 21st century. I want to bring these women’s stories to life, giving role models to our daughters, sisters and mothers, and let them know they are not alone in the fight. It’s time for these birds to be set free…

These two series are being published under a new brand, Sisterhood Publications. There may be more ideas in the future, but I feel I need to get to grips with everything running round in my head before I start going crazy.

If you’re not yet familiar with my work, you can download a free copy of my first novel, Siren Spirit by following this link.

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