“If you don’t think you can afford to hire an editor, try not hiring one!”

Catherine Ryan Howard, Dublin Writers’ Conference, June 2015

Since I began writing just four years ago, I have been lucky to have received so much help from a wide variety of writing contacts. I have been blessed to have such a great support network – writers are such a wonderful community! So I decided I wanted to give something back and thus help others on their respective writing journeys in return.

For some considerable time in my day job I have been the go-to person for anyone in my team who wants an email spell-checked. At one point there were jokes about whether I should have been a schoolteacher.

Like most of you, I have seen some of the best and worst of self-published fiction out there for purchase on Amazon and other outlets. In my opinion, there is nothing that does more harm to the cause of independent authors than seeing work which is poorly edited or, in some cases, not edited at all.

I am passionate about us indies being professional in our approach. It is so simple now to produce a book of high quality, almost parallel to that of the big publishing houses.

After some thinking and deliberation, and then some more thinking, EMH Editorial Services was born!

I have now successfully completed two courses with the Society for Editors & Proofreaders: Introduction to Proofreading and Introduction to Copy-Editing. Next on my list is Fiction Editing and I am planning to brush up on my grammar too, as well as investing in some serious textbooks.


Close followers of my Facebook author page will have noticed I have created a new page, EMH Editorial Services where you can post any enquiries you may have.

You can also contact me via a new email address: EMHEditorial@gmail.com.

I am fully aware of the need to keep the costs of such services to a minimum for indie authors, while still delivering a quality service and helping you make your book the best it possibly can be.

If you have a book which is nearing completion, do give me a shout. Let’s discuss what is the best for your book.

For new clients, I will ask for a 2,000 word sample from somewhere in the middle of your book and I will conduct this FOR FREE. This is for two reasons:

  • It helps you to see what I can bring to your book in terms of polishing, before you have to commit to making any payment;
  • It helps me assess the level of work required for your book, so I can give you a realistic quotation for the whole project.

So, what are you waiting for? Drop me a line…


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